The Ticking Clock
“So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.” Psalm 90:12 This week, I read the obituary and discovered I WAS IN...

In Memory of Elder Walter L. Pearson, Jr. (1945-2020): A Tribute
God used the preaching ministry of Elder Walter L. Pearson, Jr. to further clarify and sensitize me to His call on my life. For several...

Momma's Meal
What is your favorite “Momma’s Meal”? That meal only your mother can cook. The one you request whenever the opportunity presents itself....

The Blessing of Now
It was an untimely and unlikely baby shower. Untimely, because neither of them should be pregnant. Unlikely, because neither of them...

Oakwood University Aeolians - "The Lord Bless You and Keep You"
The world renown Aeolians are the official choral ensemble of Oakwood University in Huntsville, Alabama, USA. I was privileged to spend...

5 Bible Verses My Mother Taught Me
I believe parents play an integral role in the spiritual development of their children. I believe this in part because of my personal...

Why I'm Writing an Autobiography
I'm turning 30 this year! As I look back over my life, I've been blessed to grow up in a loving home, meet great people, and travel to...

Momma's Meal: A Tribute to Mothers
What is your favorite “Momma’s Meal”? That meal only your mother can cook. The one you request whenever the opportunity presents itself....