An Antidote for Anxiety
Have you ever felt overwhelmed with feelings of anxiety? If so, you are not alone. Feelings of uncertainty, uneasiness, worry, and fear...

A Word on Time
Early to bed, early to rise, makes one healthy, wealthy, and wise. This statement emphasizes the benefits of proper rest. Adequate rest...

Stargazing Creativity
I am not much of an artist. This was confirmed the night Kylah and I attended a public painting event. The price of admission included...

Inside Out
Is it really 2018? Seems like the "Y2K" craze was yesterday. In many ways this year will be no different than previous years. Annual life...

4 Special Prayers for Your Pastor
I write a weekly devotional for my church which is inserted in our church bulletin. This week, I wanted to thank my church for their...

Faith on Fire
Pretend you don’t know the story, the dialogue, or the ending. Now, for a moment, imagine you’re on the plain of Dura, maneuvering...

Praying After...
Have you ever wondered why God allowed Daniel to be thrown into the lion’s den? This is a natural question for any believer who can...

Pregnant with Promise
So there you are, standing flat-footed on an old step ladder outside of an even older house. Peering through a dusty window you see two...